Plugin System

Module Federation provides a lightweight runtime plugin system for implementing most of its features and allowing users to extend functionalities.

Plugins developed by developers can modify the default behavior of Module Federation and add various additional features, including but not limited to:

  • Obtaining context information
  • Registering lifecycle hooks
  • Modifying Module Federation configurations
  • ...

Developing Plugins

Plugins are provided in the form of a function similar to () => FederationRuntimePlugin.

Plugin Example

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

const runtimePlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'my-runtime-plugin',
    beforeInit(args) {
      console.log('beforeInit: ', args);
      return args;
    beforeRequest(args) {
      console.log('beforeRequest: ', args);
      return args;
    afterResolve(args) {
      console.log('afterResolve', args);
      return args;
    onLoad(args) {
      console.log('onLoad: ', args);
      return args;
    async loadShare(args) {
      console.log('loadShare:', args);
    async beforeLoadShare(args) {
      console.log('beforeloadShare:', args);
      return args;
export default runtimePlugin;

Registering plugins (either method is acceptable):

  • Build-time registration of plugins
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new ModuleFederation({
      name: 'host',
      remotes: {
      runtimePlugins: [path.resolve(__dirname, './custom-runtime-plugin.ts')],
  • Runtime registration of plugins
import runtimePlugin from 'custom-runtime-plugin.ts';
  name: '@demo/app-main',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/app2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:3006/mf-manifest.json',
      alias: 'app2',
  plugins: [runtimePlugin()],

Plugin Structure

Function-based plugins can accept an options object and return a plugin instance, managing internal state through closure mechanisms.

The roles of each part are as follows:

  • The name property is used to label the plugin name.
  • fn Various hooks.

Naming Conventions

The naming conventions for plugins are as follows:

  • The plugin function is named xxx-plugin and is exported with a name.
  • The name of the plugin follows the xxx-plugin format.

Here is an example:

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';
const pluginFooBar = (): FederationRuntimePlugin => ({
  name: 'xxx-plugin',

export default pluginFooBar;




Updates the federated host configuration before the initialization process of the remote container.

  • Type
function beforeInit(args: BeforeInitOptions): BeforeInitOptions;

type BeforeInitOptions = {
  userOptions: UserOptions;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  shareInfo: ShareInfos;

interface FederationRuntimeOptions {
  id?: string;
  name: string;
  version?: string;
  remotes: Array<Remote>;
  shared: ShareInfos;
  plugins: Array<FederationRuntimePlugin>;
  inBrowser: boolean;



Called during the initialization of the remote container.

  • Type
function init(args: InitOptions): void;

type InitOptions = {
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;



Called before resolving the remote container, used to inject containers or update certain content before lookup.

  • Type
async function beforeRequest(
  args: BeforeRequestOptions,
): Promise<BeforeRequestOptions>;

type BeforeRequestOptions = {
  id: string;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;



Called after the container is resolved, allows for redirection or modification of the resolved information.

  • Type
async function afterResolve(
  args: AfterResolveOptions,
): Promise<AfterResolveOptions>;

type AfterResolveOptions = {
  id: string;
  pkgNameOrAlias: string;
  expose: string;
  remote: Remote;
  options: FederationRuntimeOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  remoteSnapshot?: ModuleInfo;



Triggered when the federated module is fully loaded, allowing access to and modification of the exported content of the loaded file.

  • Type
async function onLoad(args: OnLoadOptions): Promise<void>;

type OnLoadOptions = {
  id: string;
  expose: string;
  pkgNameOrAlias: string;
  remote: Remote;
  options: ModuleOptions;
  origin: FederationHost;
  exposeModule: any;
  exposeModuleFactory: any;
  moduleInstance: Module;

type ModuleOptions = {
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  host: FederationHost;

interface RemoteInfo {
  name: string;
  version?: string;
  buildVersion?: string;
  entry: string;
  type: RemoteEntryType;
  entryGlobalName: string;
  shareScope: string;



Handles the logic for preloading federated modules.

  • Type
function handlePreloadModule(args: HandlePreloadModuleOptions): void;

type HandlePreloadModuleOptions = {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  remoteSnapshot: ModuleInfo;
  preloadConfig: PreloadRemoteArgs;



Called if loading a federated module fails, allowing for custom error handling.

  • Type
async function errorLoadRemote(
  args: ErrorLoadRemoteOptions,
): Promise<void | unknown>;

type ErrorLoadRemoteOptions = {
  id: string;
  error: unknown;
  from: 'build' | 'runtime';
  origin: FederationHost;
  • Example
import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

const fallbackPlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'fallback-plugin',
    errorLoadRemote(args) {
      const fallback = 'fallback';
      return fallback;

  name: '@demo/app-main',
  remotes: [
      name: '@demo/app2',
      entry: 'http://localhost:3006/remoteEntry.js',
      alias: 'app2',
  plugins: [fallbackPlugin()],

loadRemote('app2/un-existed-module').then((mod) => {



Called before attempting to load or negotiate shared modules between federated applications.

  • Type
async function beforeLoadShare(
  args: BeforeLoadShareOptions,
): Promise<BeforeLoadShareOptions>;

type BeforeLoadShareOptions = {
  pkgName: string;
  shareInfo?: Shared;
  shared: Options['shared'];
  origin: FederationHost;



Allows for manual resolution of shared module requests.

  • Type
function resolveShare(args: ResolveShareOptions): ResolveShareOptions;

type ResolveShareOptions = {
  shareScopeMap: ShareScopeMap;
  scope: string;
  pkgName: string;
  version: string;
  GlobalFederation: Federation;
  resolver: () => Shared | undefined;
  • Example
import { init, loadRemote } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

const customSharedPlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'custom-shared-plugin',
    resolveShare(args) {
      const { shareScopeMap, scope, pkgName, version, GlobalFederation } = args;

      if (pkgName !== 'react') {
        return args;

      // set lib
      args.resolver = function () {
        shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version] = {
          lib: ()=>window.React,
          loading: Promise.resolve(()=>window.React)
        }; // Manually replace the local share scope with the desired module
        return shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version];

      // set get
      args.resolver = function () {
        shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version] = {
          get: async ()=>()=>window.React,
        }; // Manually replace the local share scope with the desired module
        return shareScopeMap[scope][pkgName][version];
      return args;

  name: '@demo/app-main',
  shared: {
    react: {
      version: '17.0.0',
      scope: 'default',
      lib: () => React,
      shareConfig: {
        singleton: true,
        requiredVersion: '^17.0.0',
  plugins: [customSharedPlugin()],

window.React = () => 'Desired Shared';

loadShare('react').then((reactFactory) => {



Called before the preload handler executes any preload logic.

  • Type
async function beforePreloadRemote(
  args: BeforePreloadRemoteOptions,
): BeforePreloadRemoteOptions;

type BeforePreloadRemoteOptions = {
  preloadOps: Array<PreloadRemoteArgs>;
  options: Options;
  origin: FederationHost;



Generates preload assets based on configuration.

  • Type
async function generatePreloadAssets(
  args: GeneratePreloadAssetsOptions,
): Promise<PreloadAssets>;

type GeneratePreloadAssetsOptions = {
  origin: FederationHost;
  preloadOptions: PreloadOptions[number];
  remote: Remote;
  remoteInfo: RemoteInfo;
  remoteSnapshot: ModuleInfo;
  globalSnapshot: GlobalModuleInfo;

interface PreloadAssets {
  cssAssets: Array<string>;
  jsAssetsWithoutEntry: Array<string>;
  entryAssets: Array<EntryAssets>;



  • Type
function createScript(args: CreateScriptOptions): HTMLScriptElement | void;

type CreateScriptOptions = {
  url: string;
  • Example
import { init } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';
import type { FederationRuntimePlugin } from '@module-federation/enhanced/runtime';

const changeScriptAttributePlugin: () => FederationRuntimePlugin = function () {
  return {
    name: 'change-script-attribute',
    createScript({ url }) {
      if (url === testRemoteEntry) {
        let script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = testRemoteEntry;
        script.setAttribute('loader-hooks', 'isTrue');
        script.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
        return script;